version 1.7 Zip file
Download here This
Zip file has the corrected categories and customer pages
Helpful Hint—If you are using Multi-store/Multi-shop
version 1.6, do not upgrade. Investigate the features in 1.7 first to see what
effects it will have on your shop. If you are trying to upgrade from version
back up your files
These instructions are work in progress and have been written to help my customers. I
will periodically update this page, so please check back
remember to back up your files
If you feel that these instructions are
please donate a dollar (or more if you
can) to support my work.
Install instructions
for osCommerce Multi-store contribution
Check out the configuration file definitions
Combine all the files from this contribution with a base version of osCommerce MS2.2. Do this before uploading any files to the server. it will simplify and speed up the installation for all stores
Note – I have prepackaged combinations ready
to install,
look at my
Multi-store/Multi-shop package page for details
Note: You must not delete the
update.sql file, you will need to run this file from your myphpadmin SQL page
Setup the database; create the database and user name. Add the user to the database. Record the database name, user name and password for the installation
While working on the server, it is a good time to create all the sub domains for the additional stores
Upload the store package that was completed in step 1
Once the upload is finished change the permissions on the following files to 706 or 777; /includes/configure.php /admin/includes/configure.php
Go to the store URL in the browser and follow the install instructions. It is recommended to use the database sessions instead of the file sessions option with multiple store contribution
When you arrive at the last install screen that has the catalog and administration buttons, run the update.sql file. Do not close the install screen
Log on to the store admin through the install screen and; Create a second store, it does not matter what it is, it is used to set the rest up and may get deleted later. You can call the configuration file configuration_store2 and check “Insert default configuration table?” box. Set the language to the default language for both stores, mine is English. Don’t forget to uncheck the other languages while I am there. you can add languages later, this simplifies any troubleshooting if neededGo to the catalog – category/products page and select a category for each store, usually hardware for a default store and dvds for the second store. I don’t use the same category for both stores. Also check the “Enable/Disable store to ALL sub-categories and sub-products?”Go to Administration->Configuration->Multi-Stores and define the WS & FS paths
Test out the default store to see if it all working. I am not yet concerned with the second store.
If everything looks good, go back and start filling out the configuration screens for the default store and rename the default store in the stores admin page.
Creating a new store
Once the first store is finished and is checked, upload the store package files to the store directories made in step 2, It is optional to upload the admin and install directories, but they will need to be deleted for security reasons after the upload is finished.
Edit the secondstore/includes/configure.php file in the sub domain to reflect the new store absolute file path and web paths
Edit the secondstore/includes/database_tables.php changing define(‘TABLE_CONFIGURATION’, ‘configuration’); to reflect the new store configuration table name
Test out the second store to see if the categories and products appear. If they do, your finished. Delete the install directory.
Make sure that file and
directory permissions are set properly
Change the following directory
catalog/images => 777 read/write/execute—INCLUDE SUBDIRECTORIES catalog/pub => 777 read/write/execute catalog/admin/backups => 777 read/write/execute catalog/admin/images/graphs => 777 read/write/execute
Change the following file permissions;
catalog/includes/configure.php => 604 read catalog/admin/includes/configure.php => 604 read
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